“Help one another in acts of piety and righteousness.”
– Quran 5:2
At the All Dulles Area Muslim Society, we want to ensure that we are striving to make the masjid and our programs accessible for all members of our community, including those who are differently abled. The first step is to learn exactly what challenges our congregation is facing, raising awareness, and provide opportunities for true inclusion into our masjid and community at large by making programs/events/environment more accessible and welcoming.
Email: socialservices@adamscenter.org
Phone: 703.433.1325Email: socialservices@adamscenter.org
Phone: 703.433.1325
Email: socialservices@adamscenter.org
Phone: 703.433.1325
Email: socialservices@adamscenter.org
Phone: 703.433.1325
We are currently in the process of getting ADAMS certified by MUHSEN, a non-profit organization that strives to create a better understanding of disabilities in our communities and building a better environment for our brothers and sisters who are differently abled. The Messenger of Allah SAW said that “The masjid is a home for every believer.” It is our hope and goal, inshaAllah, that we live up to that standard for the sake of each and every member in our community so that they may find ADAMS a home away from home, regardless of their ability.
If you have questions or suggestions, please contact our special needs facilitator Sohaira Sultan at specialneedseducation@adamscenter.org