
The Path to Sacred Knowledge

Certificate Program In Islamic Sciences


Explore the wide range of thoughtfully designed courses within the Path to Sacred Knowledge. Each course has been carefully crafted to provide you with a holistic understanding of essential Islamic concepts, principles, and practices.

In each quarter, four or more courses are offered. The classes are scheduled Monday through Thursday from 7:00 PM to 9:30 PM, with a break for prayer in between. 

While new students, who are embarking on this journey, can join at any quarter and take any of the offered courses, we recommend starting with the foundational courses, such as Theology, Qur’an, Seerah, etc. 

Academic Calendar for 2024

First Quarter:
Second Quarter:
Third Quarter:
Fourth Quarter:

Jan 8 – Mar 8
April 15 – June 30
July 8 – Sept 22
Sept 30 – Dec 15

Islamic Theology and Worldview 

This course uses a systematic approach to develop a deeper understanding of Islamic Beliefs, including Theology and worldview. It addresses the applications of the pillars of Islamic beliefs in our daily life and the challenges related to existentialism, materialism, and atheism. The wisdom of different kinds of human sufferings and injustices in this world will also be explained in the light of Islamic beliefs. 

The belief system in Islam is referred to as Eman. Eman is the foundation of Islam upon which the whole structure of Islam stands. Eman means believing and having a firm conviction and certainty about the truth. To be a true believer, one’s heart and mind must be fully convinced and settled in the foundations of Eman beyond any doubts and uncertainties. Having a full conviction in these foundations based on knowledge is intellectually liberating and spiritually uplifting.  

The materials of this course are designed to be very interesting and thought-provoking which would help the students develop a deep worldview of Islam with a strong Eman, Insha Allah. 


Introduction to the Qur’an and its Sciences 

This course will provide a general and rich introduction to the Qur’an and its sciences. It will take the students through a journey of Qur’anic world starting with the history of its revelation and compilation, continuing with its organizational units, its contents, its themes, its sciences including the scientific knowledge, and ending with developing a more meaningful and enjoyable relationship with the Qur’an.

It prepares the students to study the Qur’an with its translations and Tafseer using a systematic and efficient approach. Students will become familiar with the popular English translations of the Qur’an, including some differences between them. Through an assignment, they will learn to compare and analyze some differences of some translations and Tafseer of the Qur’an.

With Qur’an being the primary source of knowledge in Islam, this course will help the students develop a crucial foundation for many other areas of knowledge in Islam.


Life and Legacy of Prophet Muhammad SAW (Seerah) 

The word Seerah in Arabic literally means “manner of proceeding.” Unlike other Seerah classes that simply look at the life of Prophet Muhammad (sall Allahu alayhi wasallam) from a historical perspective, this invigorating course seeks to teach students the lessons and character traits exemplified in the life of the Messenger of Allah and his companions. 

All of this will be taught against the backdrop of how the Seerah relates to the American Muslim context. The students will be taken on a journey through the life and times of Rasulullah (sall Allahu alayhi wasallam) in order to give them the proper context and perspective on the myriad of issues that are faced in one’s daily life. 

By understanding the process by which the Prophet brought guidance to others, this class aims to teach students not only how to live in today’s society based upon the Sunnah of our beloved prophet (sall Allahu alayhi wasallam), but also the various parts of our foundational learning as Muslims. 


Introduction to Hadith Studies 

This course provides an introduction to the science of Hadith and Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad Sallalahu Alaihi Wa Salam. It will cover the authority of Sunnah as a source of law, the history of Hadith collection and compilation, the terminology and classification of Hadith, and the major books and scholars of Hadith. 

It will also discuss the analysis and critique of the chain of narration and text of Hadith, relationship of Hadith with the Qur’an, and contemporary issues & alleged doubts related to Hadith. 


Introduction to Fiqh and Islamic Law 

This course provides a general introduction to Islamic law (fiqh). It will give students a comprehensive background of science of Fiqh through an in-depth exploration of Islamic hermeneutics and the historical emergence of the four legal schools (madhāhib). 

In the process, students will learn about Islam’s primary and secondary sources, the five categories of rulings, and the objectives (maqāṣid) of the Sharia. They will also gain familiarity with Islamic legal theory (uṣūl al-fiqh) and legal maxims (qawāʿid al-fiqh). Over the semester, students will discuss contemporary subjects from anti-Sharia propaganda to issues like feminism, pluralism, democracy, gender, homosexuality, and secularism. 


Fiqh of Worship (Ibadah) 

Since worship of our creator is one of the most important aspects of our lives, we must learn how to worship Allah correctly. This course covers the rulings of the basic acts of worship in Islam.  

Students will learn the Fiqh of Purification, Prayer, Fasting, Zakat, and Hajj. Although the focus will be on the Hanafi school of law (madhhab), differences from other schools will also be explained, as needed. 


Philosophy and objectives of Worship 

When the acts of worship are performed in full meaning and spirit, they nurture a deeper, more sincere, and mindful relationship with Allah (SWT). Since worship of Allah is a major purpose of life, it can lead to all other virtues in the life of a Muslim. 

This course will delve into the philosophy, objectives, wisdom, inner dimensions, deeper meaning, and benefits of different acts of worship, such as purification, daily prayers (Salah), Du’a, Dhikr, fasting, Zakat and Sadaqat, Hajj, recitation of Qur’an, etc. both in this world and the next world. 


Overview of Islamic History and Civilization 

The aim of this course is to provide students with a brief overview of Islamic history and the magnificent contributions that the Islamic world has made to benefit humanity.  Islam’s influence in world history and the role it played in continued human progress will be addressed in this course.  Some of the topics that will be covered include: 

– Early and Medieval Islamic History 

– Islam & and the Modern World 

– Muslim Scientific Contributions 

– History of Islam in the West & Americas 

– Islam in World History 

– Development of Muslim Educational and Legal Institutions 

During its apogee, the Civilization of Islam boasted more books and libraries than any other civilization in the world and was known for its innovation and academic prowess.  Unfortunately, in today’s age, much of that rich “civilizational” history and culture is lost or unknown to Muslims and non-Muslims alike. 

Through this course, students will learn and appreciate the incredible Legacy of Islam throughout history, in the Americas and in the World. 


Arabic Language 

This Arabic introductory course to Classical Arabic aims to provide the linguistic background needed for students of the Islamic Sciences to comfortably engage with classical texts on an intermediate level, through reading and comprehension, and eventually grammatical inflection and morphological construction. 

Like any language, mastering Arabic requires constant practice and abundant motivation. Yet for the Muslim, the motivation cannot be any greater, as Arabic is the language of the Qur’an and the Hadith of our beloved Prophet (sall Allahu alayhi wasallam). It is a gateway into Islamic history as well as a passport into modern civilization. While the journey may seem long for the beginning student, the path is well trodden, and the guides are readily available. 

Begin your journey into this great language here at ADAMS Center with this Islamic Certificate course. 


 The Qur’an Recitation 

In this course, you will learn how to correctly recite the Qur’an according to the Tajweed rules and improve your current recitation. You will also gain a better understanding of the Quranic phonetics to correct the articulation of certain sounds. 


Islamic Ethics and Character (Akhlaq) 

The study of Islamic Ethics is one of the most important sciences in the Islamic tradition, focusing specifically on the development of the human soul. This course examines the principles and practices that lie at the heart of personal moral development in Islam, and those traditional frameworks that help Muslims live ethically and with integrity. 

The content of the course includes both traditional and modern sources that expound upon spiritual purification (Tazkiya) and Islamic ethics (Akhlaq), the understanding and application of which are essential to the cultivation of righteousness. 

Students will explore the sacred virtues, values, and practical ethics that are foundationally rooted in the Qur’an and Sunnah, understanding that that true honor and distinction lies in realizing the completeness of the guidance of Allah’s Messenger PBUH, and in fully embracing his fine and noble character. 


Family System in Islam 

This course will provide the concept and objectives of the family system in Islam. It will cover preparing for marriage and forming a family, Fiqh of marriage and its various dimensions, roles and responsibilities of family members, raising good Muslim children, and Fiqh of divorce. It will also address contemporary issues in family life. 

Intro to Comparative Religion 

While this course will provide an overview of major world religions, it will focus on comparing Christianity and Judaism to Islam. It will address the commonalities and differences of their history, beliefs, practices, scriptures, laws, worldview, culture, and holidays & celebrations. 

This course equips students with a broad understanding of different religious traditions. It will empower students to share Islam with the followers of other religions and engage in interfaith dialogues in a more effective manner. 


Contemporary Topics and Issues 

This course explores contemporary topics, issues, and misconceptions in relation to Islam and Muslims, enabling students to address those topics and issues in the light of the complexities of modern society. 

This course aims to bring awareness using various texts to address problematic and controversial topics of modernity through the framework of Islam. It will address the root of the secular paradigm, post-colonial tensions, liberalism, evolutionary theory, postmodernism, the sexual revolution, individualism, gender, and the recent LGBT normalization. It will also strengthen the core understanding of Shari’ah and obtain a better understanding of the most misunderstood topics here in the West such as Jihad, Slavery, and Women in Islam, and much more! 

While the college/university students are exposed to most of these topics from an atheist perspective,  this course will provide an Islamic perspective to strengthen the Muslims’ understanding in a deeper level. 


Methodology of Presenting Islam 

This course will provide training for speaking and writing about different Islamic topics and teachings, becoming a good example of those teachings, delivering Friday Khutbahs, and sharing Islamic values and principles in an effective manner. 

This course will equip students to master the art of effectively presenting Islamic teachings to diverse audiences with empathy, understanding, and confidence.