
Ustadha Kouthar Muttardy

Office of the Imams > Ustadha Kouthar Muttardy

Ustadha Kouthar Muttardy was born and grew up in Northern Virginia. She has a Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology with an emphasis in human development from George Mason University and has completed a Master of Arts in education from Marymount University. Kouthar has worked as a K-12 teacher, teacher trainer, & curriculum development specialist for over 20 years. 

Ustadha Kouthar has been studying traditional Islamic sciences including tajwid, tafsir, aqeedah, seerah, hadith, and Hanbali & Shafi’i fiqh since high school. Kouthar completed her Islamic Studies Teacher Certification at the Ribaat Academic Institute in 2020 and is currently in pursuit of a doctoral degree in Islamic Studies.

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