Marriage Services

ADAMS Office of Imams and Marriage and Divorce Services offers various counseling for mental health, family, marriage, religious guidance, and life coaching.


Congratulations on your upcoming wedding! Your decision to marry is a spiritual covenant that is rooted in a commitment to one another. A wedding is always a joyous event, and as such we are much honored that you’ve chosen us to share the occasion!

If you would like to be married at ADAMS Center or request an ADAMS Center Imam to officiate your wedding ceremony,  you must complete the following steps:



Submit the online form “Scheduling for an Imam”. Please be sure to do this at least 3-4 weeks prior to the ceremony. Once your information is received the Marriage and Divorce Services Office will work on securing an officiant as well as scheduling 3 mandatory premarital counseling sessions. Please click here to access the form.



You will receive an email from with further instructions including a link to schedule your pre-marital counseling sessions. Our pre-marital counseling requirement is designed for the couple to gain greater insight into a harmonious marriage that is guided by Islamic teachings and principles. We pray that this process prepares both of you for the journey ahead.



Obtain a Marriage License from your Local County Courthouse. Please remember our nikahs are also legal marriages, therefore we must enforce this procedure. The following locations are for the VA and DC residents:
  • • Fairfax County Court House (703-691-7320)
  • • Arlington County Court House (703-228-4510)
  • • Loudoun County Court House (703-777-0270)
  • • Alexandria County Court House (703-838-5046)
  • • NOTE: The original marriage license and the provided return envelope need to be dropped off to the Wedding Administrator no later than 7 days prior to the nikah.



Submit documents and administrative fee.
Marriage Licenses and provided return envelope ADAMS Marriage Application Form Premarital Contract

If you are only seeking pre-martial counseling, and will not be getting married through ADAMS  center, note that there is a suggested donation of $150.

Administrative fee:

  • • $200 for paid members of ADAMS Center (On-site)
  • • $400 for paid members of ADAMS Center (Off-site)
  • • $250 for non-paying members of the ADAMS Center community (On-site)
  • • $450 for non-paying members of the ADAMS Center community (Off-site)

Make payment here

Please note that the fee only guarantees the imams availability for half an hour past your requested time. Thereafter there is an additional fee of $150/hour.



Provide Two Witnesses for the Nikah Ceremony.
The bride and groom must provide at least two witnesses for their nikah ceremony. The masjid will not provide these witnesses, the couple must bring with them two witnesses for the ceremony.



Reserve a room for the ceremony. If you are planning on having your nikah here at the ADAMS Center, and only planning on doing the contract signing with no setup necessary, you will only need to inform the Marriage Services Administrator or how many guests you are planning on having and this accommodation will be included in the processing fee. However, if you are planning on having a ceremony with setup and food being served, you will need to contact reservations at for arrangements as well as fees associated with room rental.

Policy Regarding Imam to travel off-site for nikah ceremony:

Please email the Marriage Coordinator.

Couples are encouraged to read:

Contacting Marriage Services:

Wedding Administrator’s Office Hours:

  • • Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday: 1:30 – 5:30 pm.
  • • Wednesday: Office is closed.
  • • Saturday and Sunday: By appointment only.

To make an appointment or for any further questions
or concerns, please email 

The best way to reach the administrator is by email. Be sure to include your name in all text messages. Please allow up to 2 business days for a response.

Contact for Service:



Fairfax County Court House 703.691.7320 ext.1010
Arlington County Court House 703.691.7320 ext.1010
Loudoun County Court House 703.777.0270 ext.1010
Alexandria County Court House 703.777.0270 ext.1010