This course uses a systematic approach to develop a deeper understanding of Islamic Theology and other pillars of Islamic Beliefs. It addresses the applications of the pillars of Islamic beliefs in our daily life and the challenges related to existentialism, materialism, and atheism. The wisdom of different kinds of human sufferings and injustices in this world will also be explained in the light of Islamic beliefs.
The belief system in Islam is referred to as Eman. Eman is the foundation of Islam upon which the whole structure of Islam stands. Eman is having a firm conviction and certainty about the truth. To be a true believer, one’s heart and mind must be fully convinced and settled in the foundations of Eman beyond any doubts and uncertainties. These foundations or pillars are called Arkan-ul-Eman which consist of belief in Allah and His Oneness, the Angels, the books of Allah, the prophets of Allah, the next life and accountability, and Qada and Qadar (the Divine decree and plan).
Having a full conviction in these foundations based on knowledge is, indeed, intellectually liberating and spiritually uplifting. The materials of this course are designed to be very interesting, thought-provoking, and useful for everyone – requiring no other prerequisite courses or information.