
Late Night Talks – Prophetic Minimalism

Event Details

Join us as Ramadan’s greatest collaboration between Dar Al-Hijrah and the ADAMS Center returns for Late Night Talks at the HAWA Center.
Led by Imams Farhan Siddiqi and Abdul-Malik Merchant, this year’s topic will highlight the Prophetic Character of our Prophet (ﷺ).  Let us use this month not just to break fast and stand in prayer, but to look inward toward our own nafs as well in hopes of improving ourselves.
Taken place on the first floor in the Mususllah and happening every Friday Nights of Ramadan after taraweeh starting on March 7th — check out all the topics, dates, and start times for this engaging discussion-based event below:
Dates and Topics:
•⁠  ⁠March 7 – Prophetic Empathy (10-11 pm)
•⁠  ⁠March 14 – Prophetic Minimalism (11pm-12am)
•⁠  ⁠March 21 – Prophetic Kinship (11pm-12am)
Bring your friends and family, and bask in community during the best month of the year!  Tickets are complimentary, but any donations are greatly appreciated to support future events for both Dar Al-Hijrah and the ADAMS Center!
We look forwards to seeing you there, May Allah bless us all.

  • Date: March 14, 2025
  • Time: 11:00 pm Eastern Time Zone (ET)
  • Venue: HAWA Fairfax Community Center, 4401 Fair Lakes Ct, Fairfax, VA 22033, USA