Join ADAMS in breaking fast with the community this Ramadan. What a blessing it is to serve and share a meal with your brothers and sisters in this blessed month. Your donation allows ADAMS to continue its tradition of providing meals to fasting Muslims.
Be a part of a loving and generous community as it serves its members through ihsan and ikhlas.
With Ramadan less than a month away, ADAMS aims to collect funds ahead of time to prepare in advance for its yearly community suhoor and iftar meals. You can make this possible by donating before the blessed month begins.
For just $200 a month, you enable us to prepare delicious and nutritious meals for the community. We take pride in being able to provide for the community and invite you to join in on the immense rewards!
Whether it’s ADAMS’ members or individuals in need, all those who join us bring their share of barakah into our centers. Through your generosity, we can increase this barakah and warm the hearts of many this Ramadan.
Let’s join together again to make this beautiful gathering one that pleases Allah.
Donate today!
The Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “He who gives food for a fasting person to break his fast, he will receive the same reward as him, except that nothing will be reduced from the fasting person reward.” [Ahmad, at-Tirmidhi, Ibn Maajah, Ibn Hibbaan, Sahih]
Every year ADAMS endeavors to sponsor thousands of meals to its members and surrounding community. Your generous donations help make this a reality and bring hearts together during the blessed month of Ramadan.
Help us serve even more this year by sponsoring a meal for just $25. In the month of generosity, let’s work together to bring more barakah into our community and into the lives of our fellow brothers and sisters.